Territorial Edict The Third

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Tarjei Einhornsson
Posts: 369
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:13 am

Territorial Edict The Third

Post by Tarjei Einhornsson »


WHEREAS The Nordic Union has been succeeded by The Territory of Normark as a constituency of The Elwynnese Union.

IT IS BELIEVED The Constitution of The Nordic Union is obsolete and does not take into the account recent events.

THEREFOR As affixed in Annex I of this edict, The Charter of The Territory of Normark is officially adopted as the basic law of the territory.

Annex I
The Charter of The Territory of Normark

THIS EDICT, being the order of The Grand Marshal of The Territory of Normark, a constituency of The Elwynnese Union, is entered into the law of the territory and is thought to be free of contradiction from the established laws of His Serene Highness, The Prince of Elwynn. As such it shall not prevent or otherwise inhibit the national governance of His Serene Highness or The Senate of Elwynn as established by The Treaty of Brotherhood between the Elwynnese and Nordic Unions of 424 5th Age and subsequently by The Normark Act.


The Grand Marshal of The Territory of Normark,
Tarjei Einhornsson


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