Speech at NACD Branch in Eikbu

A faithful archive and collection of dusty tomes, intermingled with various artefacts, relating the tumultuous history of Normark under its old kings.
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Tarjei Einhornsson
Posts: 369
Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:13 am

Speech at NACD Branch in Eikbu

Post by Tarjei Einhornsson »

The following should not be mistaken for Elwynnese official policy or even the true policy of this territory, it is just a rousing speech by a hardline Norse conservative.
An elderly but spry-looking gentleman in full Normarksgarde uniform, holding the rank of Brigadier, stepped up to a podium and introduced himself as Herr Brigader Yngve Sølvdal

Statsbergers! Citizens! Rise for Norskesangen!

A fully packed auditorium of 12,000 people rose, with the public address system subsequently playing the anthem with all present singing along. Following the conclusion of the anthem, Brigadier Sølvdal began his speech.

Gentlemen, I did not think in my lifetime that I would see our lands given to another nation - though it has happened. Perhaps for the best, perhaps for the worst, this much remains to be seen. However, I shall be speaking about another matter tonight! The matter of an incursion on Micras that is, quite literally, other-worldly. I speak, most obviously, of Safirians.

Who are they? What are they? To answer both questions with one word, unwelcome! These meddling things are not native to our world and yet they seek so desperately to influence and upset our world. And why? Hubrus, pure hubris. Micras has had it's range and still has it's range of non-human races, but I say that at the very basic level, we're all at least Micran. But these beings from another world, these aliens seek to meddle in a world not their own. The blue-skinned race from some far off corner of the void is now spreading throughout Micras. Shireroth, Treisenberg, Nelaga and Gralus to name but a few. And in each they cause their trademark unrest!

Everywhere they go they infiltrate the governments and twist it to suit their own needs. Contorting and twisting them until they are consumed by the will of these aliens. But I say that this has not happened in Normark, nor will it ever. We will not allow this extraterrestrial threat to undermine our way of life and our traditions with their own. We will not allow this infectious disease to spread to our pristine land. The meddling evil that they carry with them absolutely cannot be allowed to touch our soil. As such, I call upon all Nordic folk to abstain from the purchase and use from any goods which enable these beings. Let it be known that Normark will not feed and propagate these invaders from another planet. Anything that promotes a pro-Safirian agenda is the promotion of destructive dissidence and upheaval.

But I pose a question to all of my learned brethren - Just who, exactly, is to blame? The local governments, the Safirians, the citizenry who is blind to that which invades them? As these strange things spread further and further out across our world, who should be held responsible if and when a final purge is over? I, myself, blame the blindness and laziness of the local governments and the citizenry, who have been pacified by these outwardly unassuming beasts. Reassured that they seek only assimilation into our world, rather than our assimilation into their own folds. I sincerely regret to inform the people of Micras, that you have been duped! Cheated! Mislead and ultimately betrayed by a race of beings from another planet who view our own as an insignificant outpost of the void with which to exploit and mold for their own use.

Nay! I say, I will not be pacified and mislead by this menace. And I call upon every Micran who's heart still pumps the blood of their earthly fathers to make a stand and say 'No! I will not submit!'. For I fear that should such a war-cry not be adopted by every man, woman and child of the last of the free nations and the Norse people, it will be no time at all before we all feel the burden of servitude to these perverted beasts.

I cannot stress enough the importance of resistance to these invaders. For their purposes and wants are not our own. Do not allow yourself to be deceived and do not allow others as well to be deceived by their treachery. It is your duty not only as a citizen, but as a Micran, to ensure the longevity of this world.

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