Flags, Emblems and Protocol Act

Moderator: (Elwynn) Prince of Elwynn

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Elijah Ayreon
Posts: 2709
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Flags, Emblems and Protocol Act

Post by Elijah Ayreon »


I put the amended bill to the floor and move that we begin voting immediately.



Adopted by the Senate on [...]

Chapter 1: Flags and Banners

Section A: Flag of the Elwynnese Nation

1. The flag of the Elwynnese nation remains the flag as depicted in accordance with the picture below:
2. It shall be the right of any Elwynnese to fly the national flag in a manner of respect.

3. The version of the national flag, as employed by the feudal authorities in eastern Elwynn, shall not be flown on Elwynnese territory under any circumstances. It shall be an offence to do so, liable to fine of no more than 1 000 florins or, for foreigners, exile for no more than two months.

4. The Prince is authorized to issue regulations under this Act on the usage of the Elwynnese national flag.

Section B: Flag of the Union and the Government

1. The flag of the Elwynnese Union shall be depicted in accordance with the picture below:
2. It shall be encouraged for all Elwynnese to employ the flag with respect wherever they are. The government, its branches and authorities, including foreign legations, shall at all times fly the flag.

3. The Prince is authorized to issue regulations under this Act on the usage of the flag of the Elwynnese Union and its government.

Section C: Flags of the Union Territories

1. The flags of the union territories shall be defined and protected in the territories by the authorities in the union territories.

2. The Prince is authorized to issue regulations on the flying of union territory flags outside the union territories.

Chapter 2: Emblem of Elwynn

1. The union emblem of Elwynn shall be depicted as on the picture below:
2. Unless necessary (as determined by the Prince), only the Court of the Prince, the Senate and the Court of Justice shall be authorized to employ the emblem on documents, communications, signs and other forms thereto connected.

3. It shall be an offence for anyone to employ the union emblem without authorization under this Act. A person who commits the offence is liable to a fine of no more than 1000 florins or, if a foreigner, exile from the union for no more than two months.

Chapter 3: Protocol and Orders

Section A: Flag Protocol

1. The flag of the Elwynnese Union shall be awarded the highest respect. Is there only one flag pole, no flag other than the union flag may be flown. Are there two flag poles or more, the order of precedence shall be first, the union flag, second, the national flag, third, any foreign flag, fourth, flags of the union territories in alphabetic order, fifth, flags of counties in alphabetic order, sixth, any other flag.

2. The Prince is authorized to issue regulations on flag protocol.

Section B: Orders of Elwynn

1. The Prince appoints the members of the Order of the Dead Stag and the Order of the Silver Orchid.

2. The Order of the Dead Stag shall be awarded to Elwynnese citizens for outstanding deeds in culture, media and sport.

3. The Order of the Silver Orchid shall be awarded to Elwynnese citizens for outstanding deeds in governance, law and services to the Union.

4. It shall be permissible for the Prince to induct foreigners into an honorary membership in the Order of the Silver Orchid in governance, law and services to the Union, provided that no more than one foreigner per princely term shall be permitted to be awarded honorary membership in the Order.

5. The Prince is authorized to issue regulations on the Order of the Dead Stag and the Order of the Silver Orchid.
Elijah Ayreon-Dariolin of Waffle-Paine (no longer with us)


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Lord Erion
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Re: Proposal: Flags, Emblems and Protocol Act

Post by Lord Erion »

Passed unanimously.
His Imperial Highness Erion of Waffel-Paine,
Prince of Natopia, Prince of Arboria, Duke of New Aquitane, and of the Punkrock Isles, Count of Nerklaa, Count of Augustus, Lord am Baat, Baron Mirkdale, Representative in Frenzy for Arboria, Knight of the Order of the Black Hole, Awardee of the Regent's Medal, MNN.

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