Armed Forces & Appropriations Act 1609

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Tokaray al-Osman
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Armed Forces & Appropriations Act 1609

Post by Tokaray al-Osman »

Armed Forces & Appropriations Act 1609

An Act to reorganize the Armed Forces and the Demonetised Economy

Section 1:
Sections 6 and 7 of the Coordinated Charter are appended according to the First Annexe to this Act.


First Annexe


Section 1: Authorization
§1.1. The Senate authorizes the Prince to raise, equip and maintain armed forces for the defence of Elwynn and the promotion of peace.
§1.2. The armed forces shall be known by the name of the Union Defence Force.
§1.3. The Senate invests in the Prince the full powers pertaining to a Commander-in-Chief. The Prince may delegate these powers to the Generalissimo of the Union Defence Force.
§1.4. It shall be the duty and the right of the Prince to take care that, throughout the Union Defence Force, all units and formations be kept full and well equipped, and that unity be established and maintained in regard to organisation and formation, equipment, and command in the training of the men, as well as in the qualification of the officers. For these purpose the Prince shall be authorised to satisfy himself at any time of the condition of the several contingents, and to provide remedies for existing defects.
§1.5. The Prince shall determine the strength, composition, and division of the contingents of the Union Defence Force, and also the organisation of the militia, and he shall have the right to designate garrisons within the territory of the State, as also to call any portion of the Union Defence into active service, subject to limitations detailed by the Charter herein.

Section 2: Recruitment
§2.1. Every Citizen is subject to military duty, and in the discharge of this duty as a Soldier no substitute can be accepted.
§2.2. A Soldier has his residence in his garrison. The residence of a soldier who has no garrison within the country is deemed to be his last garrison within the country.
§2.3. A Soldier resides apart from civil society, and during his Tenure of Service all guild, corporate and familial affiliations are held to be in abeyance. A Soldier has one loyalty - to the State.
§2.3.1. At the end of his Tenure of Service the Soldier shall return to his former affiliations and obligations as a Citizen of Civil Society.
§2.3.2. The former Soldier, returning to Civil Society as a Citizen may, unless subject to a criminal record, be considered for preferential advancement, promotion or transfer, between Guilds, Corporations and Bailiwicks, based upon his record of service and demonstrable skills acquired.
§2.4. Every Citizen capable of bearing arms shall be available to serve for seven years in the Union Defence Force, ordinarily from the end of his twentieth to the beginning of his twenty-eighth years; the first three in the Territorial Defence, the last four years in the Auxiliary Corps; during the next five years he shall belong to the Reserve which will provide the Non-Combat Service Corps.
§2.5. The strength of the Union Defence Force in time of peace shall be 1,835,504 soldiers, being 1 percent of the population of the Coordinated State as reported by the Census Bureau for the year 1608, and shall be furnished by the Bailiwicks in proportion to their population. Any adjustment to the strength of army in time of peace shall be fixed by legislation.

Section 3: Limitations
§3.1. The Senate reaffirms its constitutional right to declare war and authorise the deployment of armed forces abroad.
§3.2. The Prince may not declare war and can only deploy forces abroad prior to authorisation in the event of the State of Elwynn being significantly imperilled by an impending and or imminent attack for the purpose of safeguarding the Realm.
§3.3. In the event of authorising a unilateral deployment of forces, any such deployment must be referred by the Prince to the Senate within forty-eight (48) hours of the authorisation being given.
§3.4. The Senate may impeach the Prince if, by a majority vote, it feels he has acted without justifiable cause. The Offence shall be that of 'Usurpation of Authority and the Waging of Warfare Contrary to Law'. The Prince, if impeached, shall, in addition to suffering loss of Office, be prohibited from holding public office for thirty Elw Years and be referred to the Court of Star Chamber for investigation and trial.
§3.5. The costs and the burden of all the military system of the State are to be borne equally by all the Bailiwicks and their subjects, and no privileges or molestations of the Bailiwicks or Guilds are admissible. Where an equal distribution of the burdens cannot be effected in natura without prejudice to the public welfare, affairs shall be equalised by legislation in accordance with the principles of the Veiled Constitution as interpreted by the Augur of Democracy.


Section 1: Prohibition of Capitalism
§1.1. The acquisition of wealth is not a legitimate objective for Civil Society; the Coordinated-State works to better humanity.
§1.2. The Standardised Currency and Unified Economy Treaty (hereinafter "SCUE") Credit is not accepted for transactional purposes within the State of Elwynn.
Any entity possessing SCUE funds within the jurisdiction of the State is immediately defunded of all assets which are transferred to the Panopticon Corps.
§1.2.1. The importation of Currency and Promissory Notes is prohibited.
§1.3. The Law Reform Act of 1604 and the Economy Act are repealed.

Section 2: Allocations & Appropriations
§2.1. Resource Allocations (notionalised as 'social credits' known as Theoretical Florins) are made by the State, determined by the Court of the Prince and approved by the Senate. Disbursements of these allocations are then made to the Magisters for state expenditure and to the Wardens for allocation to the Bailiwicks of Elwynn Proper and the Marches.
§2.2. Allocations are made by the Wardens to the Governors of the Bailiwicks and to the Guild of Aldermen directly. Governors then make allocations to the four Civil Society Guilds (Dunporters, Artisans, Artificers & Factors).
§2.3. Appropriations in turn are made by the Governors taking from the Guilds and voting a contribution to the Wardens who surrender the surplus to the Court of the Prince. Magisters will also return any unallocated resource to the Court of the Prince at the end of each year.
§2.4. The overall assumption is that any individual or entity shall be entitled to sufficient resource in order to function optimally [Entitlement=Need/Capacity(to Contribute)*Utility].
§2.5. The Magister of the Hall of Allocations and Appropriations shall diligently assign a component value to the contributing factors that define in turn Need, Capacity & Utility for each variable factor in society.
§2.6. Self to Self credit transfers are permitted on an individual basis.
§2.7. Resource exchanges between Municipal Corporations, the State and other legally established entities shall be by the exchange of Bills of Transfer.
§2.7.1. The terms of which shall be established by a Memorandum of Understanding forming a Contract between the parties to the Trade.

Section 3: The Assertion of Right
§3.1. All Bullion, mineral resources, raw materials, natural resources of any form whatsoever, including wildlife, within all of the realm of the State of Elwynn, are by incontestable right under this Charter, the exclusive property of the People of Elwynn.
§3.1.1. In the name of the People that right is hereby asserted by the State of Elwynn.
§3.2. Excluding those items brought into the State from beyond the Continent of Benacia by whatever means, it shall be understood and accepted by all, that it shall only be by the most graciously permitted allowance of the Court of the Prince that any of the aforesaid articles covered by the Assertion of Right shall be extracted from the territory held under the jurisdiction of the State of Elwynn.
§3.3. Permits for the extraction of raw materials for the benefit of the People of Elwynn, must be sought through application to Court of the Prince.
§3.3.1. Licences for mineral extraction and export must be sought in triplicate from the Court of the Prince, the Senate of Elwynn and the Court of Star Chamber.

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