The Annals of the Deep Singers

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The Annals of the Deep Singers

Post by Shyriath »

(OOC: I'm sort of putting together a timeline of events here. Partly this is to make some things clear in my own head, but it may also prove useful in establishing the timing of future works. The entire Annals are likely to be contained in this first post, but since I haven't organized everything that'll go in here yet I'll be editing in things as I think of them/find stuff I've mentioned already/think of how to word things.

Because this is meant to represent an actual Kennerextith work, the "official" text will not mention things that weren't generally known or weren't suitable for the work. However, you may want to watch for the spoilers, because I will be putting additional material in those.)

  • 1 SA: The year of the Cataclysm, and the Sealing Away. Enormous tremors shake Ezhku and bring down several sections of the roof of the Shapers' Way, the artificial passage leading to the surface. Extensive damage is caused to the facilities of the Shapers in Ezkhu itself; many of their captive subjects are killed, but a large portion of the remainder escape their containment. They band together and attempt to kill as many Shapers as they can find, freeing their brethren as they go. After the Battle of the East Gate, the remaining Shapers flee. They are not seen or heard from again, and are presumed dead.
  • 63 SA:
    The Report to the Symposium is written. Despite being presumed dead, the Shapers are apparently active in or around Ezhku itself until at least this date.
  • 86 SA: Enxai begins his Soujourn in the Dark.
  • 88 SA: Enxai, returning to Ezhku after his stay in the Cave of Nine Needles, proclaims the existence of the Voices of the Earth and the philosophy of the Earthcalling. His followers proclaim him Herald of the Voices.
  • 90 SA: The Preservation Movement issues its plea to find, preserve, and understand old technology and its use. Enxai and his followers initially resist the movement's influence, fearing a return of the power of the Shapers. Minor clashes between the groups occur.
    Some of the Preservationists opt to leave Ezhku out of desperation; one party finds its way to Lattor.
  • 91-92 SA: Enxai and his senior followers participate in a dialogue with the Preservationists. The two groups build on their deeper philosophical similarities and eventually produce a joint statement of principles, including specific topics of study (mostly relating to Shaper biological techniques) that are forbidden.
  • 93 SA: Death of Enxai. He is succeeded as Herald by his grandnephew Kidar, who strengthens the alliance with the Preservationists.
  • 97 SA: Earthcalling, supported by the Preservationists, gains a strong majority of followers in Ezhku. Kidar is offered temporal power over the entire race, and becomes King of the Deep Singers; though this office is theoretically separate from that of Herald, in practice the two are held by the same person afterwards as Herald King. King Kidar authorizes the founding of the Guild of Technologists and the Guild of Harvesters.
  • 123 SA: Kidar dies, and is succeeded by his son Pelen. Pelen's reign lasts only six years, but is marked by the beginning of official persecution of religions that do not pay lip service to the Voices of the Earth. Particular attention is directed toward converting (willingly or not) the animists, who are the largest and oldest such faith.
  • c. 130 SA: The incidence of birth defects and genetic disorders reaches an all-time low; most people born after this point have a reasonable expectation of a normal adulthood. Population growth, already at record levels, begins to accelerate.
  • 147 SA: A cache of Shaper technology is discovered after fallen debris is cleared from a passage during expansion operations. The cache contains enough parts to build three functional turbines of the same kind that powers Ezhku, allowing the creation of extended artificial light beyond Ezhku. King Shalren orders the founding of a colony in the pigrimage stop near the Cave of Nine Needles.
  • 148 SA: Despite much work needing to be done to improve the habitability of the caverns, the primary Beacon is lit in the new colony, which is named Naidax. Encouraged by the precedent, more explorers set out from Ezhku to find other suitable caverns.
  • 151 SA: The Beacon of Kaldim is founded. Naidax organizes a local council for day-to-day administration and for representation of the various interest groups before the King; this consiliar form of government becomes the model for the other new Beacons.
  • 158 SA: The Beacon of Saxir is founded. Without the resources to create more large-scale turbines, other settlements cannot be electrified. Study into electricity intensifies; in the meantime, new colonies are restricted to chemical or luminescent lamps, and remain small.
  • 168 SA: King Shalren dies, leaving the throne to his only son Etaren. Like his great-grandfather Pelen, Etaren discriminates against faiths not centered around the Voices of the Earth. Those in Ezhku and Naidax are converted or driven out; the majority relocate to Kaldim and Saxir, while a small portion attempt to found colonies without the benefit of electricity.
  • 183 SA: A team led by Technologist Sirlin Cha develops an engine powered by temperature differentials within a working fluid. The Sirlin Engine allows the generation of electricity given a sufficient heat source, and opens the possibility for new Beacons in places with native geothermal resources. The new settlements, often far from Ezhku, periodically send representatives to each other and to the king, but centralized government becomes increasingly difficult.
  • 188 SA: The Crown of Stone, a remarkably regular circle of stalagmites, is discovered. The site is immediately colonized by animists, who look on the formation as the embodiment of a powerful local spirit; the resulting Beacon is named Chanlaxir. The animist sect begins to be named after the Crown, especially after members leave Kaldim and Saxir to join the new Beacon.
  • 201 SA: King Etaren dies without a direct heir. The throne passes to his first cousin Bandur, who himself has only one son in his forties.
  • 205 SA: The throne passes to Urshin, son of Bandur.
  • 206 SA: In an attempt to streamline the processes of government, Urshin works with the Beacons to establish a yearly gathering of representatives to discuss issues and to petition and advise the King. The move proves popular, particularly in Ezhku itself, where the presence of the Illuminating Council brings considerable commercial activity.
  • 217 SA: King Urshin, last undisputed Herald King, dies without a direct heir. Succession is not permitted in the female line; the only other male heirs are descended from the brothers of Urshin's great-grandfather King Ashal. There is no clear frontrunner among the five eligible candidates; disputes between supporters of each become increasingly volatile.
  • 218 SA: As the succession crisis continues, the Illuminating Council steps in to handle day-to-day government. In the absence of a recognized king, the Speaker of Ezhku, as first among equals, assumes presidency over the Council. The regime is referred to as kennerext, a Beacon-gathering, rather than thondir, a kingdom, to signify the temporary nature of the arrangement.
  • 221 SA: One of the five royal candidates dies without an heir; another, Pindan, publicly announces his adherence to the Crown of Stone cult. His followers abandon him and the Illuminating Council declares him ineligible for the throne. He relocates to Chanlaxir, where the cultists welcome him and proclaim him king of that Beacon only. The three remaining candidates, Tovor, Salkan, and Athi, campaign furiously for the free supporters.
  • 223 SA: Tovor, the genealogically senior of the remaining heirs to the throne and the one with the largest following, is assassinated, as is his family. Salkan and Athi each accuse the other of the deed.
  • 224 SA: A Shaper cache is found within the bounds of Ezhku itself when the secret passage to it is accidentally uncovered during excavations. The chamber and all its contents are promptly demolished.
    Several items are taken from the cache prior to demolition, including the Report to the Symposium. The Report cannot be translated, and is therefore temporarily assigned to the Council's private archives until its fate can be decided.
  • 225 SA: Increasing polarization between supporters of Athi and Salkan leads to rioting in Beacons throughout the World Inside. Supporters of Athi gain a majority on Ezhku's Shining Council, and the Beacon begins to turn a blind eye to violence toward Salkan's followers; Salkan himself is hounded out of Ezhku. He makes his way to Naidax, where he has a wide base of support, and makes a speech invoking sympathy for his harsh treatment and calling on other Beacons to turn against Athi. Naidax declares Salkan Herald King, and over half the lesser Beacons swear allegiance to him, but Ezhku, along with major Beacons Kaldim and Saxir, and the remainder of the lesser Beacons, follow Athi or remain neutral. Both claimants begin gathering military forces.
  • 379 SA: Approximate birth date of Kaia Xen; birthplace uncertain.
    This was her true birth year; she was born in Lattor to traders Pikal Than and Aina Xen, both formerly of Liranar but who had been captured by the Lattorith six months before. But because, like Firtin, Kaia felt obligated not to mention Lattor, in her public life she maintained that she had been orphaned and was unaware of the circumstances of her birth and early childhood, noting only that she had grown up scratching out a living around the edges of society in the minor Beacon of Shinte before making her way to Ezhku.

    This cover story was well chosen. Shinte and Liranar were geographically close and shared a similar dialect, thereby explaining the faint Liranarith accent she had acquired from her parents; as well, they were close enough that a lost child could conceivably have crossed from one to the other, leaving the door open to a connection with the Xens still resident in Liranar. It also had the merit that Shinte had been depopulated and left in utter disarray, with most records destroyed, during one of the last great famines in 398, leaving it nearly impossible to research her account.

    During the last years of Kaia's life, one diligent historian, having gone through records in Liranar, presented the daring theory that her parents were, in fact, Pikal Than and Aina Xen, who had gone missing during their trading rounds. Kaia was both vindicated and greatly amused.
  • 381 SA: Birth of Firtin Kur in Ezhku, to Tirdan Kur and Elim Ta.
  • 386 SA: Fungus blights reduce the food yield of Ezhku, along with other Beacons; widespread famine ensues. Tirdan Kur and Elim Ta perish from starvation; Firtin is fostered by the Guild of Technical Workers.
  • 398 SA: Beginning of another wave of crop blights causes depopulation in Ezhku and Naidax and the minor Beacons in between; the blights slowly decrease in severity over the next several years.
  • 403 SA: The year of the Unsealing. Firtin Kur, exiled from Ezhku for murder, finds his way to the World Outside, which in defiance of legend proves to be habitable. He is jailed upon his return several months later, but after listening to his story and examining the food and materials he had brought back with him, the Shining Council authorizes a small expedition to break through the blockages on the Shapers' Road and investigate the claims.
    Tanri Nar would be remembered as the first to hear.

    She hadn't been sure why she'd been assigned to guard the tunnel, though in truth the list of things she wasn't sure about the whole business included why anyone would be assigned to guard it or why the tunnel had been excavated in the first place. Some nutjob exile had come lurching back into Ezhku three months ago, spouting a story about seeing the Outside, and naturally they'd tossed him back in prison; and then suddenly someone on the Council decided it'd needed to be investigated. They'd spent weeks hacking a passage through the great plug of debris across the Shapers' Road, shoring it up as they went, and squeezed some people through. They'd found another rockfall a short distance beyond, which in Tanri's mind should have been a clear enough last warning, and gone through that too.

    Tanri sighed mournfully. One of the excavators had been a good friend of hers; she'd even considered exploring that relationship a bit further. Watchmen tended, by tradition, to marry into other clades, one of the few professions where it was socially laudable to do so, and Kafar was a decent man. It'd been a shock to hear that he was being sent through, to be devoured by death. She had wanted to ask him not to go, and from the look of it he hadn't wanted to, but it would have been demeaning and futile to try to get him wriggled out of the duty; he had been ordered, under the highest authority.

    Whichever Councilor came up with this mad scheme, she prayed, Voices take their soul and chew it.

    She blinked. There were noises coming from the tunnel. Running footsteps, shouted exchanges. Tanri stood there in shock, wondering if the dead had come back to... take revenge, or something-

    The excavators squeezed through the narrow tunnel, one by one, stopping and flopping onto the floor to wheeze and try to recover their breath. If they were dead, they were doing a creditable impression of living things. Kafar was one of the last through; he leaned against a wall, gasping.

    "Kafar?" Tanri gaped at him. "You're ali-"

    "No... time!" he huffed. "The Outside! Have to... tell! C'mon!"

    "Is there something chasing you?" She hefted her spear. "We can collapse the tunnel!"

    "No! Leave it! Let's go!" Kafar started staggering off again, with several of his more enduring teammates following. Bewildered, Tanri hurried after them toward the Beacon Hall. "I saw it!"

    He's alive? He can't be. No one goes that way and lives. It doesn't happen.

    The thoughts looped around and around in her mind, crowding out all other thoughts. It made it difficult to push through the crowds, who as it was were clustering around to see what the fuss was. Tanri was dimly aware of a rising babble around her, rumor spreading like fire.

    "The expedition... Outside... Shapers' Road... they came back?..."

    They reached the end of the hall where the speaking platform was; it was reserved for public announcements from the Council, and to that end was equipped with a podium and a large bullhorn, and behind them, hanging in a wall sconce, was a heavy bronze bell; one of the excavators grabbed the nearby hammer and began striking it. Loud bongs started echoing through the Hall, and those who had not yet noticed the commotion turned toward the platform.

    Kafar grabbed the end of the bullhorn, gasped, swallowed, and yelled, "We saw! ...The Outside! The exile was right! We saw it-"

    He tried to continue, but was drowned out by the din of thousands of voices all attempting to shout at one another. Some were cheering, others raging, others simply talking as loudly as possible; but all came together in a wall of sound so thick it was almost solid.

    Giving up, he nearly collapsed onto the floor of the platform, but Tanri caught him. "I've got you."

    "Tanri... there was air, wind... there was a roof... but no roof, and there were little lights in it..."

    "Yes, yes. Hush now." Tanri could see Councilors trying to push their way through to the platform. They didn't look happy; they generally didn't like people to blurt out things like this and cause disturbances. No doubt Kafar and the other excavators, and probably Tanri, would get reprimanded for allowing it.

    Nonetheless, as she held the gasping Kafar, she decided that there were important things to think about, and here and now, the Council was not one of them.

    "Watchman!" one of them shouted. "What is the meaning of-"

    "With all due respect, sir," Tanri said sweetly, "go fall down a hole!"
    When the expedition returns with confirmation, Firtin Kur is immediately released, and emergency meetings of Ezhku's Shining Council and the Illuminating Council are convened to formally announce the discovery.

    Work begins on clearing the Shapers' Road.
  • 404 SA: Scouting missions to the Outside begin. Firtin Kur becomes de facto head of the scout training program. Habitable caves are discovered near the coast south of Ezhku, unconnected to the World Inside by tunnels.
  • 405 SA: A colonization mission is sent to the caves, led by Firtin Kur; Kaia Xen joins covertly. The Beacon of Kurkenna is founded in the coastal caves. Toward the end of the year, Kaia Xen announces her upcoming marriage to Firtin Kur, the first in the new Beacon; the event takes place shortly thereafter.
    The meeting of the colonists was going well - at least, as good as one could expect. They were all young and chatty, and there were all sorts of organizational bumps to smooth out, and they had teething troubles to deal with that any new Beacon had, but on the whole the mood was good. It was, in some odd way, made even better by the snow and biting cold outside, because they weren't out in it; in here it was warm and comfortable.

    Firtin put down the sheet of copper foil he'd scratched his notes on. The meeting had reached the stage where essential business was done with, and was making the transition from minor side issues to the general relaxation that usually followed. A few seats down, Kaia was watching things with a faint smile; someone who didn't know her would never have seen the slight tension there. Casually, Firtin put a hand in the pocket of his tunic.

    As the surrounding conversation became more muted, Kaia stood up, cleared her throat, and said, "Excuse me, everyone. If I could bring up one more point, before we all get back to things..."

    There was a shuffling around and a fading of sound to respectful attention.

    "Thank you. Now, as you all know, setting up a new Beacon is hard work. Well, of course it is, you've all been through it-" She paused to allow a few cheerful calls of agreement. "But of course, a Beacon, even a young one, has to be more than work. It has to be people, living their lives, and feeling themselves living. Sometimes, that means setting aside work and tasks to do something a bit more meaningful. It means... taking the time to enjoy things, whether by yourself or with others. We've been quite busy, and we haven't always had the time to do that."

    The audience was silent, and slightly puzzled.

    Kaia took a deep, slow breath. "Someone, I think, should take a lead in changing that. And that is one reason, though certainly not the only one, why I would like to announce that Firtin and I will be wed in the near future-"

    There were exclamations of surprise, followed by cheers. Someone called out,"Firtin! Why didn't you say?"

    "It was the first I'd heard of it!" And this, strictly speaking, was true. Firtin stood up, trying to look more surprised than he was, and walked over to Kaia. His hand was still in his pocket. "Were you ever going to let me in on the plans?"

    "I just did." She smiled, but with a hint of nervousness. "Were you planning on refusing?"

    "Don't be silly."

    "Well, then." She looked relieved; another round of cheers broke out.

    "So? When's it going to happen?" someone else said. Kaia replied, "Whenever he gets around to setting a date."

    Ah, thought Firtin. He suppressed a smile.

    "That's an awful lot of leeway you're giving him," said Enri Dal. He the colony's resident scout, and a friend of Firtin's. He never missed an opportunity to aim a jibe at him, and this one was too good to pass up. "It could get put off forever if you let him do that."

    "That's true," Firtin said, speaking up. "Just to make sure I resist the temptation, though, it's better to put a seal on it. Enri, get over here!"

    The scout sauntered over. Ignoring Kaia's puzzled stare, Firtin asked him, "You know how the rite goes, don't you? Generally?"

    Enri blinked, and then grinned evilly, realizing what his friend was doing. "Well, you know, never been married myself, but I think I've heard it enough-"

    "Wait, what?" Kaia asked.

    Firtin withdraw his hand from his pocket, holding a small round disc of metal. A pair of interlocking wave patterns were engraved in the center, and on either side were the name-glyphs: Firtin Kur on one side, Kaia Xen on the other.

    "Did you have yours ready too?" he inquired politely. Kaia, still shocked, reached into her own pocket and withdrew a similar disc. "Yes, but-"

    Enri interrupted cheerfully, "Stick to the script, please." He cleared his throat. "O you who stand here, witness today these two who commit themselves to union..."

    "Wait a second-"

    "...who, in so doing, declare their love and fidelity, and their intention to share their possessions, their lives..."

    "But... now?"

    "...and their fates. Here shall they give unto each other these tokens, each engraved with their names, in representation of the union that shall be engraved upon their hearts. Kaia Xen, will you take the token Firtin Kur has had made for you?"

    Kaia's expression had slowly morphed into a hot glare, which she aimed at Enri's impudent smile before slapping the disk into Firtin's palm.

    "Firtin Kur, will you take the token Kaia Xen has had made for you?"

    Firtin offered it to her with a flourish; she snatched it out of his hand.

    "Then all is well. Rejoice, o you here today, for these two are now as one in the sight of the world." Enri had already started edging away at the beginning of the sentence, and added, "Have fun, children!" before running away. The colonists broke into laughter and applause.

    Kaia looked as if she would chase Enri down, but then rounded on Firtin, who prudently backed up. "You!- How did you know? How did you know I was going to say-"

    "I guessed," he admitted, grinning. "But it seemed like the sort of thing you'd do."

    Her furious gaze remained fixed on him, and then she started advancing.

    "I mean," he pleaded, "I couldn't let you have it all your own way-"

    Kaia grabbed him by the shoulders. "Firtin Kur," she said loudly, then stopped, stared at him again, and finished lamely, "just... look, shut up."

    She pulled him in and kissed him, to another round of cheering.
  • 424 SA: The Shapers' Road is declared open and freely accessible to the public. Emigration to the Outside begins on a large scale. Religious conservatives, already uneasy about the theological implications of living Outside, begin publicly calling for the closing of the Great Gate.
  • 427 SA: An earthquake destroys the sacred stalactites in the Cave of Nine Needles in Naidax. The Missive to the People of Naidax is issued by the local Shining Council; Naidax becomes the first Beacon to oppose Outside involvement on an official level.
Last edited by Shyriath on Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
Shyriath Farstrider (aka Shyriath Bukolos), KD MOU OLH XBH
Viscount Farstrider of Erysisceptrum, Count Bukolos of the Condo, Harbinger of Cheese


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Re: The Annals of the Deep Singers

Post by Shyriath »

Filled in some of Kennerext's early history.
Shyriath Farstrider (aka Shyriath Bukolos), KD MOU OLH XBH
Viscount Farstrider of Erysisceptrum, Count Bukolos of the Condo, Harbinger of Cheese


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Scott Alexander
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Re: The Annals of the Deep Singers

Post by Scott Alexander »

Very neat. So what would be the conversion between SA and Archipelago Year? I'm guess AY1 is around SA400?

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Re: The Annals of the Deep Singers

Post by Shyriath »

I was going by the assumption that five hundred years passed between the Apocalypse and Archipelago, so AY1 would be SA500 or so. Antil Xen would be born in 497, and after talking with Adelene we came up with about 521 for the meeting of Antil and Avana in the collaboration contest, and from that I was guessing somewhere between 517-519 for the Tarotl expedition to Kennerext (which had to happen when Antil was old enough to be an experienced scout, but before she learned how to speak the trade language). I've sort of been dreading this whole question, though, because although the results work out for Adelene's timeline as well as mine, I wasn't sure how it would fit with any sort of "official" measurement.

...Incidentally, Scott, if I could inquire about an ETA for your next post for Ante, Esti, and Dor? :doc:
Shyriath Farstrider (aka Shyriath Bukolos), KD MOU OLH XBH
Viscount Farstrider of Erysisceptrum, Count Bukolos of the Condo, Harbinger of Cheese


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Scott Alexander
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Re: The Annals of the Deep Singers

Post by Scott Alexander »

Sorry! I was actually under the impression that we had finished that story line. The Deep Singers are represented in the Senate in Drachumphan (or now in World Capital, I guess), and the Drachumvelin are living as "honored guests" in Ezkhu until such time as a story requires them or their descendants. What more need be said or done?

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Re: The Annals of the Deep Singers

Post by Shyriath »

Ah, okay then. I won't press the issue further in that case.

I think I asked because I tend to think of these collaborative efforts in story-terms. When I do stories by myself, I'm used to working toward both of two separate-but-equally-important ends: the more practical "is writing this getting things to where I want them?" and the more aesthetic "is this making a good story, and will I be able to achieve the desired effect with it?".

So I suppose I was thinking "we know how things happened to get us where we wanted, but how did the story end?" I tend to forget that not everyone weighs things like that in the same manner.
Shyriath Farstrider (aka Shyriath Bukolos), KD MOU OLH XBH
Viscount Farstrider of Erysisceptrum, Count Bukolos of the Condo, Harbinger of Cheese


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Re: The Annals of the Deep Singers

Post by Shyriath »

Added in some stuff at the end, and continued early-history stuff into the first quarter of the 200s.
Shyriath Farstrider (aka Shyriath Bukolos), KD MOU OLH XBH
Viscount Farstrider of Erysisceptrum, Count Bukolos of the Condo, Harbinger of Cheese


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