[Mandate] Marquis of Klaasiya Title Gift

The primary residence of the Faro and King of Ziegeland.

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Naian the Evergreen
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[Mandate] Marquis of Klaasiya Title Gift

Post by Naian the Evergreen »

A Decree of the King of Ziegeland
A Pharamāna of the Raja of Tas Neemia
together constituting a



To Honor the Wedding of My Aunt

In ancient times, my father held the title and position of Marquis of Klaasiya. He held this title for many years until civil war and circumstances forced him to return to Ziegeland. Unused and unclaimed, this title remains with me as part of my inheritance from my father. I have no right to claim or use this title to any effect in the Demesne of Klaasiya. However, now that my aunt has married a man worthy of restoring Klaasiya to former glory, I feel confidant in allowing Ivo Angus full title and claim to my father's title. Therefore, Ivo Angus of Waffel-Paine, Count of Pavleton, is hereby granted now and in perpetuity the title of Marquis of Klaasiya. This title will pass down upon his death to the first child he sires with my aunt, Gwyneth.

In the eyes of Flaventia, and according to the House of Waffel-Paine, this Mandate does hereby restore the House of Waffel-Paine's claim to the Demesne of Klaasiya in the person of Ivo Angus of Waffel-Paine, Marquis of Klaasiya, Count of Pavleton. This Mandate does not suggest or imply any extension of Flaventian law over Klaasiya.

Let my mandate be heard and obeyed by all dukes, nawabs, and subjects in the Inner and Outer Lands of Flaventia:

His Dynastic Highness,
Faro of Flaventia
Ruler of the Inner and Outer Lands, King of Ziegeland, Raja of Tas Neemia;
Lord of Yellow Island, Prince-Victor of Sororiya, Duke of Lochhatonia, Marquis of Lükanburg, Lord of Maschinekauer, Arch-Druid of the Hazel;
Avatar of the House of Waffel-Paine, Progeny of the Once-Living God, Vessel of Dual Natures, Scion of the Three Peoples, Lord in Jorvik;
Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, and Knight of the Holy Lakes


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Ivo Angus
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Re: [Mandate] Marquis of Klaasiya Title Gift

Post by Ivo Angus »

Your Majesty, I am most grateful for this generous gift you've honoured me with.

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