The Word of Wisdom

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The Word of Wisdom

Post by Verion »



- Book of Adamah
- Book of Bane
- Book of Claudius
1.Titus Morvayne, Prefect of Shirekeep, Count of the Skyla Islands
2.Eki Aholibamah Verion, Queen in the North
3. Ludovic Verion, Lord of Blackstone and Governor-General of the Iron Company
4. Jeremy Harwinsson Archer, super sleuth

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Re: The Word of Wisdom

Post by Verion »

The Book of Adamah

Being the divine revelation on the early history of this world

1. Eras and eras, they have passed since the days of which this book will tell you. Days long forgotten and ages long gone.
2. For the world was an empty and non-existing place, nothingness in nothingness gathered.
3. And no man or animal or plant existed. The skies, the stars the sun and the moon, they were not for they were not created.
4. In this nothingness, there was no time or sense of existance, there was nothing.
5. From out the depths of nothingness, from out the darkness where nothing existed and nothing was erupted a Word, and without witness, there occured a majestic phenomenon.
6. For the Lord had taken his presence and had spoken the Word which was a Word of majesty and force and might. And this Word brought forth the entire world, and the skies and the stars and the moon and the sun.
7. The name of this Word, that brought us all into existance, was Adamah, which means the Land.
8. For land only was after it was spoken, as were the seas, as was all life.
9. From that day on, the surface of the world was crowded with animals. The small creatures, the larger creatures, the cattle and the humanoids. And the sky was filled with all that had wings.
10. And it was then that the Lord commanded there to be a species, higher than all other on the world, and brought forth a spirit he called Man.
11. And Man lived and became acustomed to earth, for his spirit was hidden unlike the spirit of the Angels. And all tongue named him Man.
12. Thenafter, from the stars was born Wo-Man, who was to be the wife of Man to live together and to multiply.
13. For Man and Wo-Man were the only spirits living on the surface of the land, but they were spirit in flesh.
14. This was the beginning of all life.
15. And Man started to build a city, a just city of perfect dimensions and he called its name City of Man.
16. And Wo-Man gave birth to sons and daughters, many in number so that the City of Man began to fill with their offspring and earth became populated.
17. And the human kind started to spread and to create cities but none was ever as magnificent as the City of Man for this city was not unlike heaven.
18. This is the line of Kings of the Land, or Aamah, in the first Era of the world.
19. Man was the first king and he bestowed his crown upon his son Josah, who ruled as king after him.
20. And Josah bestowed his crown upon his son Lemi, who ruled as king after him.
21. And Lemi bestowed his crown upon his son Shelami, who ruled as king after him.
22. And Shelami bestowed his crown upon his son Josah-Melek, who ruled as king after him.
23. And Josah-Melek bestowed his crown upon his son Phillipus, who ruled as king after him.
24. And in the days of Phillipus, the great war between the humans and humanoids broke out.
25. For the riders of the humanoids with their faces blue, and black, and yellow, and red, rode up to the City of Man to destroy them and to rule as equals.
26. And they killed many, and they destroyed the City of Man so that the plains of the lands were covered in the blood of the humans and the entire race was soon to perish.
27. It was then that the Lord saw the need of his children and send for help. The entire land burned with fire, the entire world burned but the humans did not, and neither did all the animals.
28. But the humanoids were not destroyed, instead, they were bound to serve the humans, who were the children of the Lord.
29. And Phillipus died, and he bestowed his crown upon his son Nathan, who ruled as king after him.
30. And Nathan bestowed his crown upon his son Claudius, who ruled as king after him.
31. And Claudius was the wisest king who ever lived. But isn't his life, and aren't his deeds written in the Book of Claudius, the words of the king?
32. And this is the history of the world in its first days, the eras now past and the ages now forgotten. But oh ye man, let not forget who thou art for the Lord does not change his ways and he does not forget.
1.Titus Morvayne, Prefect of Shirekeep, Count of the Skyla Islands
2.Eki Aholibamah Verion, Queen in the North
3. Ludovic Verion, Lord of Blackstone and Governor-General of the Iron Company
4. Jeremy Harwinsson Archer, super sleuth

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Re: The Word of Wisdom

Post by Verion »

The Book of Bane

Howl ye foes, for I am the Lord

1. And it will be in the last days that the forces of evil will gather in the lands of the Lord, and they will persecute ye and they will seek to destroy the children of the Lord, for they are holy and evil cannot stand the sight of those who live in holy harmony.
2. From the east they will come, and from the south they will come and they will fill the big river with the blood of the saints.
3. And it is in those days that I will send my angel to guide the faithful.
4. For the Lord will not stand idly by when His children suffer. He will strike down in wrath and he will avenge the saints, for the blood of the saints will be heard until eternity comes.
5. And fear ye, foes of the Lord and His children for a place is created for you being the flame of sorrow.
6. Where you will be all your days, from your last day onward.
7. The wrath of the Lord is just, and it is terrible, for the crimes of evil are not undone but by blood.
8. And the angel of the Lord will strengthen the saints and they will slay the forces of evil and they will destroy them and they will live in peace in the land that the Lord will bestow upon them. And all the world will know that the Lord is a righteous Lord and a protector of those who follow him.
9. Therefore, fear ye not, ye children of the Lord for the persecution of the saints will only last for a small time and you will rule as kings in the land that the Lord will bestow upon ye.
10. From the mountains to the river, there will be blood.
11. To the west they will go, there will be the land of peace. But I say you now, the lands of thy fathers will be yours.
12. For it is known how long the time of evil will last, and they will all perish.
13. And I will tell ye how it can be known if the last days are upon this earth, for the signs will be clear.
14. The sky will be clouded by a red sun and all the people of the land will bow to the sun. Notice, my children, that the sun is red for the blood of those who ruled before them.
15. And it will be in a time when all the nations of the world will turn to ashes, for their time of height has been and will never return. And it will not be long, or they are gone.
16. The great ruler, that is him who holds the power of the world, will die and be death, and all the nations will mourn him and be sad.
17. For the days of the ruler have past, and chaos will be his only child. The powerful nation will be reduced to nothingness.
18. And it is in those days that the Servant of Darkness will arise. He is a child of the sun and he will serve the sun with all that is in him.
19. He will seek to destroy all good men and he will not rest until he has destroyed the children of the Lord, the saints.
20. But know, ye faithful, that his days are counted and the day of his death is known.
21. For he will be bound and destroyed, but not killed, for he will suffer an eternity for his sins. Though he will not escape.
22. And in those days, I will send my prophet, and my angel, that the whole world will know that I am the Lord.
23. And the words of the Lord will spread across the surface of this planet and they will be known.
24. For the victory is given to the angel, who will guide my people.
25. And ye will live in peace in the land that the Lord will bestow upon ye.
1.Titus Morvayne, Prefect of Shirekeep, Count of the Skyla Islands
2.Eki Aholibamah Verion, Queen in the North
3. Ludovic Verion, Lord of Blackstone and Governor-General of the Iron Company
4. Jeremy Harwinsson Archer, super sleuth

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Re: The Word of Wisdom

Post by Verion »

The Book of Claudius

Being a reflection upon his life by King Claudius, the Wise King

1. My son, hear the words that I speak and listen closely to the recollections of my life. A life that the Lord has given me and that I have tried to live according to his divine will and to the benefit of my fellow men whose shepherd I have been.
2. For wisdom is only found in the sould of the faithful. All wisdom is from the Lord and from faith. The teachings of the Earth will vanish but the wisdom of heaven will remain forever and the wise do what the Lord has chosen for them to do.
3. Knowledge will be given to those who believe. Those who resist the Lord will know nothing but the lies of the wicked.
4. Many a kingdom has fallen and many a man has died for knowledge. But wisdom grants the real life, not death.
5. Learn this, my son, seek the Lord and then find wisdom.
6. For only the wise are fit to rule. The unwise will perish without hope.
7. For wisdom and faith, they are one and those without faith are without hope. My son, seek faith and you will find wisdom and hope.
8. In my life, I have tried to seek wisdom, but I didn't found it untill the Lord gave it to me, as He did through faith.
9. I was born to be king, but I was twenty years of age when I was fit to be one. It was only then that I learned the ways of the Lord and it was only then that I became trully a king with wisdom that was given and not acquired.
10. Four years I reigned after my fathers death without wisdom.
11. On the day that the Priest thought me the wickedness of my ways, only then my reign began.
12. Sweet riddance when you lose the chains of earthly knowledge and only live by what the Lord gives you. That, my son, is the only wisdom.
13. Ashera the Priest was the tool the Lord sought fit to use to bring me to reconsider my ways and I believed.
14. He showed me that without the Lord, no king can be just.
15. That was the moment my reign began and it was a good reign.
16. The Lord has kept uproar and warfare from our Land and the years of my reign were peaceful and prosperous.
17. In my seventh year, I built the cities Elad and Sitith and Goma. All those cities were dedicated to the Lord and served to defend our nation in days of war.
18. And in my twentieth year, the Lord came to me and told me.
19. Claudius, Claudius, the Houses of man are houses of gold but the Lord, where should He reside in the middle of the Land?
20. And there appeared an angel whose name was Elkhashar, the builder of builders who knew wisdom of the perfect city.
21. He showed me how to make the Lord a house and a temple was built for the Lord to reside in the middle of the Land.
22. For the majesty of the Lord requires us to serve, and to do what he tells us to do.
23. So were my days, in service of the Lord, and He has blessed my reign with his blessings.
24. And now, my son, serve the Lord and be wise.
1.Titus Morvayne, Prefect of Shirekeep, Count of the Skyla Islands
2.Eki Aholibamah Verion, Queen in the North
3. Ludovic Verion, Lord of Blackstone and Governor-General of the Iron Company
4. Jeremy Harwinsson Archer, super sleuth

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