[Econ] Auction of Share

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Thadeus Laing
Sea Elf, Sea Elf Run
Posts: 2247
Joined: Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:33 am

[Econ] Auction of Share

Post by Thadeus Laing »

How would you or your company like to capture a significant percentage
of the Lange/Melanje family business ventures? This may be a once in
a lifetime opportunity. I, Thadeus Lange Jr, have incorporated my business
interests as Lange Family Holdings, Ltd. in The Brettish Isles.

Whatever profits I can get my hands on will go into this company. There are only
four shares. Three I have decided to reserve for members of my, well,
family: cousin Roberto, and my wife and daughter whom few have met yet.
The fourth share, 25%, I have decided to try to sell on the open market.

Yes, you too can be a member of the Melanje family; not the sit down at
the dinner table family, but the raking in the returns family. The starting
bid for this share is 5,000 SCUE. Please cast your bids below in the space
below only. I have the right to reject a bid for any reason. This auction
is governed by the laws of The Brettish Isles.

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